Frandisco Studio↗️ is an art and design collective operated collaboratively by its members. We are committed to creative exchange and the ignition of inspiration, encouraging members to form project teams freely, collaborate on creations, and collectively transform abstract ideas into tangible works. FolDer Magazine is an art and design experimental publication project born within Frandisco Studio. Our inaugural issue revolves around the theme of visual poetry, aiming to disrupt the traditional textual form of poetry through visual experimentation, and explore the essence of poetic meaning through a visual approach.

‘Rebellion’ has been a crucial theme throughout modern design and art history. Artists and designers were constantly subverting the ideas of their predecessors from humanism to modernism.

Visual poetry, also known as concrete poetry, is a form of poetry where words and visual elements take the lead. Its most distinctive feature lies in its departure from traditional poetic formatting. Prior to the mid-20th century, poetry was considered a specific art form consisting solely of written words. However, visual poetry introduces playful typography and imagery, liberating poetry from the constraints of conventional textual arrangement.

This prompts us to consider the possibility of poetry transcending singular forms and even breaking free from the confines of two-dimensional space, allowing for various expressions of ideas, poetic sensibility, and aesthetic appeal. Inspired by visual poetry, we embarked on our own visual experiments, exploring the following questions: How can we transform the text of common paper products into graphical content? How can we present a harmonious integration of words, imagery, and visuals inspired by classical poetry? Can poetry be written using pictograms and symbols? Can those fleeting and beautiful moments of poetic inspiration in life be captured and conveyed through words and illustrations?

Through self-conducted workshops and ongoing exchanges, we have developed our own artistic and design works through the collision of creativity. The result is FolDer Magazine, a collection showcasing these unique creations and demonstrating the potential richness of visual poetry in a contemporary context.
Frandisco工作室↗️是一个由成员们共同运营的艺术与设计团体。我们致力于创意交流和灵感激发,鼓励成员们自由组成项目小组,合作创作,将抽象的创意共同转化为有形的作品。FolDer杂志就是在Frandisco Studio中孕育而生的艺术与设计实验刊物项目,我们的创刊号以视觉诗为主题展开,在视觉实验中尝试打破诗的传统文字形式,以视觉的方式探索诗意的真谛。





︎︎︎主编 / Chief Editor:
艾鑫    Xin Ai

︎︎︎设计师 / Designers:
艾鑫    Xin Ai
张宵    Xiao Zhang (Elliot)

︎︎︎编辑 / Editors:
贺靖涵    Jinghan He (Jing)
张灵希    Lingxi Zhang (Lynsee)
罗喆元    Zheyuan Luo (ZeeAnn)
张宵    Xiao Zhang (Elliot)

︎︎︎贡献者 / Other Participants:
焦依昭    Yizhao Jiao (Wolf)
王家琪    Jiaqi Wang (Rachel)
聂晨曦    Chenxi Nie (Patty)
︎︎︎特别鸣谢 / Special Thanks
Andrew Long
Daniel Fletcher
Francisco Casaroti
Tim Hutchinson
Tony Yard
Monica Biagioli
Ravin Raori
Owen Wells
Scott House

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©Xin Ai 2023
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