Beyond us
#Editorial Design

Beyond us: A book written by a Homo sapiens
The universe is so vast, why could humanbeing is the only choice?
This book tells three stories beyond humanity: the obituary of fruit fly, the prayer by trees, and poem from Europa. As our perspective broadens, let us reconsider where Homo sapiens stands among 2,000,000 species and Earth among 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets.
Complexity make the World great; Love make You and I coexist.


写作/ Write
王嫣然(Yanran Wang)

排版编辑/ Editorial Design
艾鑫(Xin Ai)

装帧设计/ Book Design
张宵(Xiao Zhang)

音乐设计/ Music Design
王斯汀(Sting Wang)

©Xin Ai 2023
All rights reserved.
©Xin Ai 2023
All rights reserved.